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    North Edinburgh Drug and Alcohol Centre

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    Complex and Multiple Needs Service


Referral 1

Initial Referral

We will work with the most difficult and vulnerable individuals who are often referred to as non compliant, difficult, not motivated to change and serial non attenders and/or are frequent attenders at hospital, who have complex mental health and substance use needs with multiple vulnerabilities , who are unable to access services in the traditional way.

These are predominately older drug and alcohol users who are isolated, not engaging with treatment and support services, often suffering from anxiety and depression or with severe and enduring mental health conditions, accompanied by deteriorating physical health and living in the most deprived areas.

The service will deliver a holistic, bespoke, client led intervention, and will work with them to the point that they can access and remain engaged with services, this is a behavioural change service, providing individuals with motivation, coping strategies, knowledge and information to allow them to make informed choices about treatment, their behaviours and what aspects they want to and need to change.

We support people to make positive changes in their lives, enabling them to set and then reach meaningful and achievable goals to ensure that they feel empowered and able to reconnect with society, gain new skills, plan for the future and start in their recovery journey by reducing isolation and loneliness, improving physical and mental health and rebuilding social networks.

Referral into the service will initially be through the criteria and a referral form that follows the criteria.

Please download and complete the form with as much information as possible and return referral through our nhs.scot  email account, to ensure confidentiality. 


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