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Cost of Living and your Mental Health

Cost of living and your mental health

Rising energy and food bills in the UK are causing many of us to worry more than usual.

Nearly 9 in 10 (89%) adults in Great Britain report that their cost of living has increased, equal to around 46 million people. Around 24 million of these people were reducing energy use in their home and around 16 million cut back on food and essentials.

With these growing financial concerns around the cost of energy and food, the number of conversations we are taking from people who are struggling to cope are also increasing. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or worried, you do not have to face it alone.

Below are a list of resources that can help both with your mental well-being around cost of living anxiety, as well as some practical resources that you can use to find further support.

Supporting your mental health around the cost of living crisis

If you’re finding yourself feeling overwhelmed and struggling to cope with the very real impacts of the cost of living crisis, you are not alone. 

We have put together some tips to support your mental health and well-being.

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